Saturday, May 12, 2012

Tone It Up Meet Up!!...Literally!

Ok so let me back-track a bit and start from the beginning...

For those of you who don't know, some local ladies and I found each other on Twitter through Tone It Up, two trainers based out of the L.A. area that work hard to promote health and beauty towards women! We called our group BmoreToned just for kicks and just between us but the name stuck and spread, as well as our group!

If you look back on previous blog posts, you will find we have social nights, run races together, workouts every Friday morning (among other times during the week), and just generally motivate and inspire each other to live active, healthy lifestyles.

Much to our surprise was on Thursday afternoon when an email came out to the group which was titled, "EXCITING NEWS!! " What did the email say? Kate and Jami were informing us that the lovely ladies of Tone It Up, Karena and Katrina, would be in Baltimore the next afternoon and wanted to meet all of us! I may have screamed out a little, others wrote back in all caps with an infinite number of exclamation points, smiling from ear to ear, etc. Bottom line? We could not contain our excitement to meet the reason we all became friends!

Friday afternoon- THE TIME HAS COME!!! Meeting at a central location, we met two of the sweetest (and GORGEOUS!!) women ever. We were so giddy, we probably said some weird or crazy things...I know I did. After a small photo shoot, which included some casual planking, lots of chit-chatting, and hugs, our dreams were made complete!

We hope you Tone It Up ladies come back to Baltimore with more time to enjoy the city and hopefully we can all get a workout in! It was so amazing to meet you both and we can't wait to see what the future holds for us as a group together! Can't wait to see you all again! Thank you for all that you do!

Thanks Kate and Jami for the pictures!

Hope you all have a great (and healthy!) weekend...on your own two feet...

Until the next step bloggers...

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