Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Taking the First Step

A lot of people have told me I am a good writer. I take the feelings that are hard to say in person and write them down on paper. I cannot tell you how many journals I have of song lyrics, poetry, and just thoughts...

So now I have decided to make it all public. Bare my soul for the world to see. I am nervous but anxious to get it out at the same time. This blog is to help myself and hopefully others express their deepest, darkest thoughts, desires, and emotions. A couple of people encouraged me to write this blog so here I am...stripped down and honest.

In this blog will be topics close to my heart such as careers, working out, vacations, food, love, heartache, hurt, joy, and living life for yourself instead of for anyone else. It means a lot that anyone would want to read my "personal diary" if you will, but I hope we can share together.

I have looked back at my life many times and it seems as if I always find two pairs of footprints in the sand. Mine and someone else's. It startles me to think that I cannot remember the last time I lived my life for myself. I can always remember someone controlling my life or telling me what to do. For my friends that know me, they would tell you that I have some of the toughest skin known to man and I am one "tough cookie." What they all probably don't know is that inside, I was broken. To pieces. Millions of them. And underneath that hard exterior was a girl that could come to her knees in an instant and feel completely helpless.

We have all had moments that we need to step back and say, "What am I doing with my life? How did I get here?" For those of us that have truely listened to ourselves, we are astounded by what we hear.

I had an epiphany about three and a half years ago. It came to me in just 3 simple words... "Screw everyone else." Why should I have to live up to anyone's expectations except my own? Why should I answer to anyone but myself? I should make decisions for my life and what's right for me because that's just what it is...MY life. So I did...

Today I am proud to say that I live in my world and I have people that have been gracious enough to want to be in it. I have an amazing family, friends that I could never have imagined, a wonderful career blossoming, and a life I am starting to FINALLY live...for me.

I am so excited for you, yes YOU, to take this journey with me. You will see me grow and learn as I know I do everyday. But I will say this...Don't tell me that the sky is the limit when I know there are footprints on the moon. Because those are the footprints that I strive to create. Except this time you will only see one set...

Until the next step bloggers...

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