Tuesday, August 9, 2011

30 Days of Blogging: A Good Book and a Glass of Wine!

Ok so if you are like me, the only thing you want to do when you get home from work is put on some sweats, curl up with your dogs or beau for a cuddle sesh, and have a glass of wine. Well that was my day in a nutshell...almost.

{What's my favorite kind of vino?? If it's red, I love Pinot Noir. If it's white, I love Riesling!}

Getting home around 8am from the night shift, it can be very hard for me to fall asleep right away. What made it worse was knowing I needed to get up at 2:30pm to get ready for work again. The good thing was that tonight I was bartending at Ravens Stadium for a special event. Before I left to head to Baltimore, I needed to make something to eat!

This is what came from me just not caring...the best sauce ever! I threw in any and every veggie I had in my refrigerator including onions, tomatoes, bell peppers, spinach, squash, zucchini, cucumbers, along with some tomato paste. I put it on top of a chicken breast with rice, threw it in a tupperware container, and went on my way! It was as easy as that! No recipe required because it was literally a "See it, throw it, mix it" kind of deal!

Bartending for the Ravens is so much fun. As I said in yesterday's post, I get to meet the players, make a lot of money, meet so many new people, and be a part of the fans special day. Days like today, I get to bartend for special events such as weddings, banquets, Hall of Fame parties, VIP parties, etc. It's always fun to make a little extra money!

The view tonight! Heaven!

Along with my glass of wine after work, I like to curl up with a good book before I go to bed. I absolutely love to read and am always looking for a good page-turner. A girlfriend of mine introduced me to Paperback Swap, a website that is pretty self-explanatory. You let people know what books you have, and when someone sees one they want to read, they request it and you send it! You can also search for books you have been dying to get your hands on, request it, and someone sends it! How did I not know about this before?? A great book I have read lately? The Violets of March  by Sarah Jio. Romance, suspense, cliff-hangers, etc.; it is the perfect "girlie" beach book. (I finished it in less than 24 hours!)

What was the last really good book you read?? What is your favorite kind of wine??

So kick your feet up, snuggle up with your loved ones, and share the gift of a book. Take time for yourself so you can enter the next chapter of your life...on your own two feet...

Until the next step bloggers...

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